•Departmental and Officer Accountability. An employee must feel valued and be proficient in his/her duties. Adequate and frequent training along with the implementation of ethical and moral values builds great ambassadors for the Sheriff’s Office and holds each officer accountable for his/her actions.

•Working with various civic and community organizations to become more interactive within our communities. "People over Politics."

•Exploring the improvement of the Colleton County School Resource Officer (SRO) Program as well as implementing more Community Oriented Policing (COP) and Crime Prevention Unit activities. These units will help and work with various local agencies and the Colleton County School District. Our children are our future!

•Additional officer sensitivity training to be completed annually. Officers are faced with various issues daily (juvenile behaviors, individuals suffering with mental health issues, drug use/abuse, and etc.) and he/she must be adequately trained and equipped to deal with these and all other types of issues.

•The implementation of a Citizens Academy Program to include Traffic Safety Campaigns and Law Related Education. Citizens can become more actively involved with law enforcement and within their communities. All in an effort to truly “Bridging the Gap between Law Enforcement and our Communities.”

•Increased Social Media Interaction as well as an interactive departmental website. We are in the era of Social Media and it is important to stay on top of issues that are addressed through social media and the concerns that may come along with it.

•A completed, documented, and updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with local and surrounding agencies as well as training and exercise drills with these agencies to ensure adequate effectiveness.

•Implementation of an effective and functional Office of Professional Standards/Internal Affairs Division. This Division will actually conduct lawful investigations of allegations of misconduct against employees of the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office. This division will serve as a fact-finding entity for Protection of the Public, Protection of the Department, and Protection of the Employee. A Sworn Affidavit must be submitted in order to launch an Internal Affairs Investigation.

•Search and implementation of Grant Programs and Internships with eligible enrolled Criminal Justice Students.

•An updated and functional Youth Explorer Program. Our youth of Colleton County need to learn and understand the importance of and how to make constructive decisions. We as adults have a responsibility to mentor our youth. We need to educate and provide them with the tools needed to advance in life, skills, and careers.


Through the combination of youthful passion and veteran wisdom, we will create a dynamic and effective leadership approach that will harness the strengths of both.